Code of Conduct


Startup TNT is dedicated to fostering a community grounded in respect, mutual concern, and care for one another. We are privileged to work alongside exceptional founders and investors every day and are deeply committed to continuing to build an ecosystem that supports success for founders, investors, startups, and companies worldwide. Our commitment to these values is reflected in all our practices, both organisational and individual. We expect all of the following to engage with each other in a way that ensures everyone feels respected, valued, and protected from any form of harassment or discrimination:

  • Board directors

  • Staff

  • Contractors

  • Volunteers

  • Founders

  • Investors

  • Summit, Happy Hour, or other Event guests

  • Anyone who interacts with our community (community members)

Therefore, all members of the Startup TNT community are expected to treat each other fairly and maintain an environment that is free of harassment, including sexual harassment, abuse of authority, workplace violence, inappropriate physical contact, and other offensive behaviours. Please note the environment also extends to social media and other virtual environments that are in any way affiliated with Startup TNT.

The Startup TNT community has zero tolerance for acts of harassment, discrimination, and any type of violence.

Any community member who has been harassed has the right to report it to the Startup TNT for resolution through the harassment policy and procedure described below.


Workplace and sexual harassment are both unwanted and offensive. They both leave the person feeling demeaned, intimidated and / or embarrassed. They go beyond the bounds of normally accepted behaviour. While sexual harassment has sexual overtones, workplace harassment is a form of discrimination resulting from prejudice. Harassment can take many forms, from the subtle to the overt. It may occur once or many times. Harassment is offensive, degrading, inappropriate, threatening, and illegal. It is a violation of local, provincial and federal laws in many jurisdictions.

Harassment occurs when the behaviour is one-sided and unwelcome by the person experiencing it. The individual affected may be of any gender, ethnic or religious background, age, mental or physical ability. The person engaging in harassment may also be of any gender, ethnic or religious background, age, mental or physical ability. The harasser ought reasonably to have known that the behaviour would be unwelcome. This behaviour may occur in any situation involving the volunteer and / or staff relationship.

By harassment and discrimination, we mean to cover at least the following scenarios:

  • Inappropriate comments directly referring to either of the above categories of people;

  • Innuendos, slurs, or jokes that belittle someone or the extent of their struggles on the above bases;

  • Bullying such as abusive, threatening, or insulting words or behaviour;

  • Invitations or requests for sexual activity or romantic meetings, for instance on offsite locations such as one’s hotel room, when the involved individuals are not within a consensual or romantic relationship;

  • Coercion for silence toward how one has been treated in respect to the above categories in exchange for certain rewards, e.g. investment funding, future employment, invitation to events, and referrals;

  • Unconsented physical contact of a sexual nature, including but not limited to: touching, groping, kissing, and rape.

What is seen as sexual harassment by one person may not be by another. Just because the harasser is treating others the same way and that person doesn’t mind, doesn’t mean you aren’t being harassed. This is why it is important for you to let the harasser know that you do not welcome the behaviour, and that it makes you feel uncomfortable. If the behaviour persists despite your objections, then it is sexual harassment.

Good natured flirting or jesting which both parties find acceptable, or a romance to which both parties willingly consent, are not considered to be sexual harassment.

Workplace harassment does not include the legitimate exercise of an individual’s supervisory authority.


Harassment is considered a very serious matter at Startup TNT, persons who commit such infractions are subject to disciplinary action. This policy applies not only within the workplace but also extends to all interactions within the Startup TNT Community which includes but is not limited to any event, session, happy hour, or affiliated event organised or endorsed by Startup TNT.

Startup TNT believes that it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent all types of harassment and violence and holds every member responsible to conduct themself in such a manner that does not cause harm to others.

Startup TNT will not tolerate retaliation – itself a form of discrimination – of any kind against those who make known their legitimate concerns. Anyone who retaliates in any way against a person who has complained of harassment, given evidence in a harassment investigation or been found guilty of harassment, may be considered guilty of harassment or abuse of authority and subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Finally, malicious complaints are not tolerated. Where, as a result of an investigation, it is determined that a person affiliated with Startup TNT has made a complaint in bad faith or with the intent to harm another, TNT may take formal disciplinary action against that Complainant.

What do you do if you experience harassment?

If you think you have experienced any form of harassment you have the following options:

a) If you feel comfortable doing so, confront the person who harassed you and ask the person to stop.

b) Write down what happened. Document the situation (date, times, locations, possible witnesses, what happened, your response), even if you do not plan to report it or you are able to resolve it yourself.

c) Decide if you want to tell someone.

d) Tell someone you trust and/or Submit a Complaint using the information in the below section.

Remember that you are in charge of how you wish to proceed.

What do you do if you are a Bystander or someone tells you about harassment?

a) Listen to the disclosure. It is your job only to listen, not to decide the facts of the case.

b) Understand that the Complainant is in charge of their response.

c) Encourage the Complainant to speak a relevant individual at Startup TNT (below) and report the incident.

d) If the Complainant is hesitant to speak to Startup TNT, offer to speak to us on their behalf.

e) If you are unsure how to proceed, seek out somebody from Startup TNT and ask for support without breaking confidentiality.

f) Continue to support the individual, encourage the individual to read the policy to understand their rights, continue to encourage the person to report, and keep the disclosure confidential.


Send an email to that includes the details of the incident(s). This inbox is managed by Startup TNT’s Board of Directors’ Head of Governance and HR. This complaint will be professionally managed with discretion and directed to the appropriate person internally, if appropriate to do so. If you are making a complaint about an individual who is involved with Startup TNT, they will not be responsible for handling the complaint.

If you do not feel comfortable submitting a complaint using this mechanism you may reach out directly to a Startup TNT full-time staff member or a current Startup TNT Board Member.

Startup TNT will do their best to review and treat these reports with urgency and respect, and escalate them for corrective action when justified. Moreover, it is our goal to do our utmost to protect those who come forth with concerns related to harassment and discrimination. Startup TNT will do its best to maintain confidentiality in all investigations; respect for confidentiality also applies to both the Complainant and the Respondent.

Types of Complaints

1. Informal Complaint

This makes Startup TNT aware that there is an issue or potential issue but may not trigger any type of formal process. It will only be acted upon if another complaint is received or if the Complainant wished to pursue some resolution in the future.

Anonymous complaints and those that do not clearly state the Complaint type will be treated as Informal Complaints.

2. Formal Complaint

This makes Startup TNT aware that there is an issue or potential issue and the board will perform an investigation. Please ensure that you state whether this complaint is a formal complaint (ie. Include the words “Formal Complaint” in the email subject).

3. Internal Complaints

We encourage Startup TNT Team Members to address any concerns or conflicts directly with the individual(s) involved, when they feel safe and comfortable doing so. Constructive dialogue can often lead to mutual understanding and resolution without the need for formal intervention.

If direct communication is unsuccessful, or if the individual does not feel safe or comfortable addressing the issue on their own, we strongly encourage them to follow the formal steps outlined in this policy to ensure the matter is handled appropriately and professionally.

If the complaint involves Senior Management or a Board Director, individuals may bypass standard procedures and report directly to a trusted Board Director to ensure confidentiality and impartiality.


Formal complaints of harassment will result in investigation. The outcome of this investigation, if found to be substantiated, could include consequences such as: expulsion from community events, firing, or other appropriate measures.


Appeals of fact, process or corrective/disciplinary sanctions may be submitted to All appeals must be made in writing and must specify all grounds or reasons for the appeal. Evidence to support the appeal must also be included.

Startup TNT Board: Governance and Human Resources Committee will review and render a decision on the appeal and advise the parties in writing with copies to the Complainant and the Respondent. This decision shall be considered final and shall not come under appeal to TNT’s administration.


Bystander: An individual who is observing an incident of harassment.

Complainant: The person who brings forward information that a violation of the policy may have occurred.

Respondent: The individual(s) who have been named as a person who has allegedly committed an act of harassment.

Startup TNT Team Member: All Startup TNT employees, contractors, and ambassadors.